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business news 2014-2-35


The trade deficit of Sri Lanka by 12.9 percent in the December 2013 contract

The trade deficit narrowed Sri Lanka have increased in 2013 by 12.9 percent to $ 565 million in revenues from exports, while significantly reduced during the month imports.

Export performance, which surpassed the $ 1 billion in the last two months by 13.2 percent to $ 986 million increased in December 2013, while expenditure on imports slightly, 2.1 percent to 1 USD 55,000,000,000.

Export revenue increased cumulative over the year by 6.3 percent to $ 10.39 billion, while spending on imports rose 6.5 percent to $ 18 billion under contract

MICE tourism targets 200 million dollar revenue this year

The meeting, incentives, conferences and exhibitions tourism goals this year about $ 200 million.

The MICE industry revenues of $ 160 million last year attracted nearly 129,000 visitors to the country.

The MICE industry is for more growth this year triggered the recovery of world tourism after a gloomy period of the Great Depression loan.

HTC, Nokia reach settlement on patent lawsuit

Taiwan smartphone maker HTC announced Saturday it has filed a patent cooperation agreement and technology with Nokia, signed at the end of all patent litigation pending between them.

Under the agreement, HTC will make payments to Nokia and cooperation is LTE patent portfolio include HTC strengthen the supply license Nokia.

The companies will also explore future opportunities for technology cooperation, adding that all the conditions of the agreement are confidential.

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